Monday 4 October 2010

Formal proposal for documentary

Our documentary is based on social networking, this will investigate how these websites work, how popular they are in today’s society and open the audiences mind wether they are beneficial or negative. We will present these topics through evidence; hearing real experiences in interviews and stories in the media.

The documentary will be mixed, meaning we will include a large variety of media used to present social networking, including evidence, interviews, archive footage, narration and observation. This will all be presented through quite an informal style, so the audience will feel comfortable watching the documentary as they will feel they can relate to the narrator, and overall taking on the information we give them.

Due to the fact our documentary is about social networking, after research we realised this subject is most popular and important to teens. A large majority of the youth use websites such as ‘Facebook’ on a daily basis, so we have selected our target audience at 16-24. Having this target audience means the channel and scheduling is vital to gain the largest amount of viewers, to achieve the biggest possible impact from our documentary. After research, we found public of the age 16-24 usually watch television throughout the weekday nights and the most popular channel was ITV1, resulting in our documentary being shown at 9pm on ITV1 on a Monday night.

We needed to know as much information as possible about social networking not only on a wide scale but also in our own community, so we started our primary research. We began by creating a simple questionnaire to build knowledge on which networking websites were popular and what age range used which, so we asked a range of ages if they used social networking, if so how often, and after doing this we researched similar questions on the internet, here we could compare both results and calculate an overall average.

After gaining our basic knowledge on social networking, we were then able to accumulate this knowledge and explore in greater depth the pros and cons of networking and research in detail the impact it has on today’s society. To do this we interviewed parents, teens and IT technicians to see there own personal ideas and experiences towards social networking. We also developed our knowledge be using secondary research, here we looked into the presentation of social networking in the media, soaps and discovered some interesting stories on the news. By using the internet I could research into stories in which social networking has been life changing, involving websites such as ""

The documentary will open with several vox pops naming a variety of social networking sites by the public, who will be older and younger. This will show to the viewer exactly how social networking affects such a broad range of the public. Following this, the narrator will talk about how social networking has progressed over the years and how it has become such a big part of everyday life. In the middle section of our documentary it will be packed with information through interviews, narration and archive footage. This will explore in depth how social networking has affected lives individually and the viewer will also see peoples own personal opinions to networking. Towards the end we will throw in conflict by asking whether social networking is a negative concept, this will be emphasised with real stories from the media and a parents interview on their own bad experience. Although we will add this conflict, we will finish the documentary on an open ending, perhaps with a rhetorical question which will leave the viewer to conclude.

To present our observation of social networking we will include in our documentary;
• Interviews with parents/teens/teachers/general public and IT technicians
• Archive footage and images from the media and news
• Stories shown in soaps related to social networking
• Voice over from a younger adult
• Vox pops from a large selection of the public

Finally, to film out documentary there is a requirement on resources available to use. In the filming, we will be using;
• A camera
• Tripod
• Tape

Props that will be used in our documentary include;

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