Wednesday 10 November 2010

Production Schedule

Television scheduling is orginised in several different catagories, starting at 12am and finishing after 24 hours. This then goes on to repeat itself on a daily basis. This helps the audience as they know what time the programmes they wish to watch are on, and can also understand the type of programme they are watching due to the time of the day. These catagories are:
-Early morning
-Prime time
-Late night

This scheduling of television programmes is vital as it gives each time a particular target audience, in which they can then orginise the programmes on. This increases the view ratings as the target audience can will then be aware of when particular programmes are on. I have discovered that the target audiences are:
- Early morning - workers
- Day time - housewives
- Prime time - everyone
- Night time - students

Between Prime time and Night time television the television is for an elder audience but still appropriete. After 9pm the scheduling is named 'watershed' this is when more mature programmes are scheduled usually involving an increase in violence, strong language and scenes of a sexual nature.

Not only are the target audiences catagorised into televison time scheduling, but also on each terrestrial channel.Channels can monitor the viewings at all times, which feeds information of which programmes are most popular on their channel and at what time. After research, i have found:
BBC1 aims at a middle aged/working class audience
whereas BBC2 aims at more educated audience, broadcasting shows such as documentaries.
ITV1 aims the working class society most popular at prime time.
Channel 4 has a target audience much younger, from adolescents to young adults, which has a large proportion of students.
yet i have found Channel 5 has been problematic trying to appeal to all audiences, which does not work, concluding in a low view rating.


Logging sheet

Friday 5 November 2010


Day 1
Today we interviewed Lee at first we thought it was a quality piece of work but after looking at it further there was a problem it was at a slightly high angle and he was looking at the camera numerous times so we could not use it. We can not film him again as he has no spare time so we have lost an interview but luckily have another one lined up with Alistair Jardine. We have also filmed vox pops of people on computers.

Day 2
Today I filmed a couple of vox pops and 2 interviews. The first interview was with Meesha Spurr who was addicted to face book. The second interview was with Melanie Walsh who had a bad experience with Face book. I feel the framing was much improved from last time and has been a success.

Day 3
Today we filmed many more vox pops that will tie into our documentary. we also have archive footage to put into the documentary.

Day 4
We started editing today and i feel it has gone well as we have edited most of it we just need to put in some interviews and tie everything in.
day 5
Today we edited again and put the interviews in but we are unhappy with how it looks so in the next few days we are going to rearange it to satisfy how we thinki it should look.
Day 6,7 and 8
It is in the order we want it so we just have to fine tune it and embed the music underneath.
Day 9
The music has been put up and it sounds good as we have changed the sound so that you can hear everything over else.
Day 10
Today we finished the documentary. The final thing we've done is to make sure that all the framing is perfect by making sure the eyelines of the interviewees are 2/3rds of the way up the page.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Documentary Notes

Fly on the wall
Almost always observational, the cameras are left to record without interference.

Mixed approach of interview observation and narrative and a range of arguments.
Most documentaries use this style and is what reporters use on the news.
This genre acknowledges the camera.
They usually speak directly at the film maker.
The documentary maker is talked to whilst being behind the camera.

They use reconstructions to show what happened.
Arguments and exposions are combined with a fictional narrative.
The story is based on fact.
At its best it is misleading at it's worst it's dangerous.

It has been a phenomenon of recent years.
They can follow people in different jobs, positions in society.
There is a dispute about whether it should be classed as a documentary or not.
They are enormously popular and cheap to produce.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Running order

Filming Summary

For this piece of work it took a group to complete the task. The task was to interview somebody with a mobile phone. I asked the person multiple questions regarding mobile phones. While we were recording the person, we learnt various skills when in action, we learnt that we should always be interviewing the person and not moving the camera around the scene when they are talking. The interview took place in the college car park.