Friday 5 November 2010


Day 1
Today we interviewed Lee at first we thought it was a quality piece of work but after looking at it further there was a problem it was at a slightly high angle and he was looking at the camera numerous times so we could not use it. We can not film him again as he has no spare time so we have lost an interview but luckily have another one lined up with Alistair Jardine. We have also filmed vox pops of people on computers.

Day 2
Today I filmed a couple of vox pops and 2 interviews. The first interview was with Meesha Spurr who was addicted to face book. The second interview was with Melanie Walsh who had a bad experience with Face book. I feel the framing was much improved from last time and has been a success.

Day 3
Today we filmed many more vox pops that will tie into our documentary. we also have archive footage to put into the documentary.

Day 4
We started editing today and i feel it has gone well as we have edited most of it we just need to put in some interviews and tie everything in.
day 5
Today we edited again and put the interviews in but we are unhappy with how it looks so in the next few days we are going to rearange it to satisfy how we thinki it should look.
Day 6,7 and 8
It is in the order we want it so we just have to fine tune it and embed the music underneath.
Day 9
The music has been put up and it sounds good as we have changed the sound so that you can hear everything over else.
Day 10
Today we finished the documentary. The final thing we've done is to make sure that all the framing is perfect by making sure the eyelines of the interviewees are 2/3rds of the way up the page.

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