Monday 13 December 2010


Our framing follows the mixed documentaries convention also we have put the graphics in the bottom corners as i will show with a screen shot of our production against a screen shot from another proffessional production.
These two pictures show the framing the one on the right is from our production and the one on the left is from a proffessional production as you can see they both have there eyelines 1/3rd down the page looking into the space (talking space).

In regards to the the examples of print adverts i have struggled to find any print posters advertising documentarys so I just had too use examples of all print adverts by ITV to follow the and this was the only one i could find.


A place for strangers is also clever i feel as its similar to my space's slogan 'a place for friends' that's another reason why i feel the slogan is very good.
Also the print advert goes with the slogan as it shows a metaphor of how on-line someone could be stalking someone else and know one would care but if someone actually did that and put there hand on the other person then it would be seen as a crime. Soi i feel our print advert challenges people perception of the on-line world.


Dave liked how there was a music bed and it made it interesting.
But he felt we needed a wider range of interviewees and thought we should of got someone else who was addicted to social networking.
Natalie thought that the theme was very good as it was relevant to the times we're in, but she felt we should of included the social network trailer as it shows how big social networking has become.
Again Hannah thought the theme was good, again as it was relevant.
She felt we should have used a wider range of websites because we seemed to centre the documentary on facebook.
She also found it quite annoying how in one of the interviews it cut out at the end and went into some archive footage.
In conclusion i feel that we hit the target audience we were looking for perfectly as 2 out of the 3 said the theme was relevant to them (young adults).
In hindsight of what i now know i feel i could of given the documentary a better feel in terms of the flow. Also i feel i could have used a wider range of websites and interviewees. But I stick with the theme as it was very good in aiming at our chosen audience.

If prezi doesn't work click this link or copy it into the address bar.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Print examples and codes

Most print posters have the ident bottom right have the slogan, time and date on the bottom left. The title along the top with a basic photo with channel 4 being the acception as sometimes they edit photos i will show some examples of print poster and theyn display mine underneath Them.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Radio Advert codes and convensions

Radio adverts are usualy around 1 minute long have vox pops from the documentary and the voice over explains and trys to sell the documentary. they say what time the proggrammes on, what day its on and the ident at the end. There is always a sound bed in the advert.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Production Schedule

Television scheduling is orginised in several different catagories, starting at 12am and finishing after 24 hours. This then goes on to repeat itself on a daily basis. This helps the audience as they know what time the programmes they wish to watch are on, and can also understand the type of programme they are watching due to the time of the day. These catagories are:
-Early morning
-Prime time
-Late night

This scheduling of television programmes is vital as it gives each time a particular target audience, in which they can then orginise the programmes on. This increases the view ratings as the target audience can will then be aware of when particular programmes are on. I have discovered that the target audiences are:
- Early morning - workers
- Day time - housewives
- Prime time - everyone
- Night time - students

Between Prime time and Night time television the television is for an elder audience but still appropriete. After 9pm the scheduling is named 'watershed' this is when more mature programmes are scheduled usually involving an increase in violence, strong language and scenes of a sexual nature.

Not only are the target audiences catagorised into televison time scheduling, but also on each terrestrial channel.Channels can monitor the viewings at all times, which feeds information of which programmes are most popular on their channel and at what time. After research, i have found:
BBC1 aims at a middle aged/working class audience
whereas BBC2 aims at more educated audience, broadcasting shows such as documentaries.
ITV1 aims the working class society most popular at prime time.
Channel 4 has a target audience much younger, from adolescents to young adults, which has a large proportion of students.
yet i have found Channel 5 has been problematic trying to appeal to all audiences, which does not work, concluding in a low view rating.


Logging sheet

Friday 5 November 2010


Day 1
Today we interviewed Lee at first we thought it was a quality piece of work but after looking at it further there was a problem it was at a slightly high angle and he was looking at the camera numerous times so we could not use it. We can not film him again as he has no spare time so we have lost an interview but luckily have another one lined up with Alistair Jardine. We have also filmed vox pops of people on computers.

Day 2
Today I filmed a couple of vox pops and 2 interviews. The first interview was with Meesha Spurr who was addicted to face book. The second interview was with Melanie Walsh who had a bad experience with Face book. I feel the framing was much improved from last time and has been a success.

Day 3
Today we filmed many more vox pops that will tie into our documentary. we also have archive footage to put into the documentary.

Day 4
We started editing today and i feel it has gone well as we have edited most of it we just need to put in some interviews and tie everything in.
day 5
Today we edited again and put the interviews in but we are unhappy with how it looks so in the next few days we are going to rearange it to satisfy how we thinki it should look.
Day 6,7 and 8
It is in the order we want it so we just have to fine tune it and embed the music underneath.
Day 9
The music has been put up and it sounds good as we have changed the sound so that you can hear everything over else.
Day 10
Today we finished the documentary. The final thing we've done is to make sure that all the framing is perfect by making sure the eyelines of the interviewees are 2/3rds of the way up the page.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Documentary Notes

Fly on the wall
Almost always observational, the cameras are left to record without interference.

Mixed approach of interview observation and narrative and a range of arguments.
Most documentaries use this style and is what reporters use on the news.
This genre acknowledges the camera.
They usually speak directly at the film maker.
The documentary maker is talked to whilst being behind the camera.

They use reconstructions to show what happened.
Arguments and exposions are combined with a fictional narrative.
The story is based on fact.
At its best it is misleading at it's worst it's dangerous.

It has been a phenomenon of recent years.
They can follow people in different jobs, positions in society.
There is a dispute about whether it should be classed as a documentary or not.
They are enormously popular and cheap to produce.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Running order

Filming Summary

For this piece of work it took a group to complete the task. The task was to interview somebody with a mobile phone. I asked the person multiple questions regarding mobile phones. While we were recording the person, we learnt various skills when in action, we learnt that we should always be interviewing the person and not moving the camera around the scene when they are talking. The interview took place in the college car park.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Idea Brainstorm

Evalution of the first documentary.

The documentary was filmed rather badly as there was no head space given and half there heads were cut out. Also I think the editing was bad as it was very jumpy and sometimes cut out halfway through a word. The graphics were rather poor as they had no backround and sound to them and they were static which looked very amature. There were no voice overs or archive footage which meant it was not a mixed documentary. The introduction i feel was good as it gave the audience a good idea as to what the documentary was going to be about. What I think was used well was thje cutaways as they came inbetween interviews and were relevant e.g someone answering a phone and this was good because of the low angle shot making them look big and dominant.

Single Shots


Interview Questions

Melanie Walsh

1. Do you have a social networking website?
2. Did you used to?
3. Why did you delete it?
4. Did you get a bad reply?
5. what do you use the internet for now?
6. Do you feel you have more spare time now?
7. Has it enhanced your life at all?
8. How do you feel about your children using it?

Mary Pennal

1. Do you have a social networking account
2. Have you managed to get in touch with anyone from your past?
3. Do you think that this is a good way to spend time?
4. When did you decide to get it?
5. Were you recommended to use it by everyone?
6. how much time do you spend on it?
7. Are you aware of the cons of social networking like cyber bullying and illegal addresses.
8. Has this made you think differently about social networking?

Harri Clark

1. Do you use social networking?
2. What do you use it for?
3. Are your parents aware of this?
4. What do they think you use it for?
5. If they knew this was why you used it would they let you use it?
6. Have you always been allowed to use it?
7. How old were you when they let you use it?
8. Are you aware that things like cyber bullying go on on social networking sites?
9. Has this made you think differently about using social networking?

Christine Smith

1.Do you use social netwrking?
2.What social networking sites do you use?
3.How long do you spend on a social network if you use one?
4.If you do not use one then why not?
5.Have you ever considered being part of one?
6.Do you have children?
7.If yes then are you aware of what can happen on social networking sites?
8.Have you ever recieved unwanted requests while on a swocial networking site?
9.Do you know about viruses and what they can do to your computer?

Ict Technician man

1.Do use social networking sites at home?
2.Do you ever use them while working in the college?
3.Have you ever had any interuptions with the netowork because of social networking sites?
4.Has anybody ever used social netoworking sites in college?
5.Would you ever consider unblocking social networking sites?
6.What is your favourite social networking site?
7.How long do you spend browsing social networking sites?

Friday 8 October 2010

Audience research


1.How old are you?

2.Are you:

Whats your favourite tv channel and why? ->

What time do you watch television? ->

What do you use social networking for? ->

What day do you watch t.v the most? ->

Which social networking sites do you use? ->

How has social networking enhanced your life? ->

Most people we researched were aged between 11-20 and watched ITV1 at 9 pm on a monday so thats when we will show our documentary.

Mind Map of Documentary

Monday 4 October 2010

The codes and conventions of documenteries

-The interviewees eye line is a third of the way down the screen.
-The backround of the interview is relivant.
-Cutaways are used regularly.
-The people are usualy on 1 side of the screen.
-Some documentaries use fades inbetween interviews.
-All documentaries use archive footage.
-All use graphics to identify people.
-The lights are always behind the camera.
-Theres a voice overs used.
-Music beds are used.
-Mise-en-scene is always relivant.
-Theres usualy location shots.
-Theres always a clear begining, middle and end.
-The voice over is always relivant.
-Variety used for interviews.
-Mostly mixed.
-Cut aways are relivant.
-Theres always varietys of camera angles used.
-They all have opening title sequences.
-There are no questions posed on screen.

Research for documentary

We will be interviewing a woman called Melanie Clark in her house and in terms of Mise-en-scene we will have a laptop next to her which will be logged into facebook. We will use little sound clips from social networking sites like the facebook sound clip.and show news reports on 'facestalking' also we will put the trailer to social networking in it.
Facebook was launched in February 2004 that it is operated and privatly owned by facebook inc.
I selected this information from the source because they are clear facts.

Facebook user was jailed for child porn network, he shared over 100,000 indecent images of young people.

Bebo was launched in july 2005. From march 2008 to June 2010 AOL owned the social network site. On Bebo you can post music, wall posts, photos and questionaires.

Twitter was intoduced publically on July 15 2006. Twitter enables users to send and read other messages called tweets.
Twitter is owned by a company called Obvious.

Myspace was founded in Santa Monica California in 2003. It has just 1000 employees with the social networking site reaching 66 million accounts.

According to a few internet projects myspace is the most dominant social netowrking among teens, used by 85% of teenagers who use social networks.

Formal proposal for documentary

Our documentary is based on social networking, this will investigate how these websites work, how popular they are in today’s society and open the audiences mind wether they are beneficial or negative. We will present these topics through evidence; hearing real experiences in interviews and stories in the media.

The documentary will be mixed, meaning we will include a large variety of media used to present social networking, including evidence, interviews, archive footage, narration and observation. This will all be presented through quite an informal style, so the audience will feel comfortable watching the documentary as they will feel they can relate to the narrator, and overall taking on the information we give them.

Due to the fact our documentary is about social networking, after research we realised this subject is most popular and important to teens. A large majority of the youth use websites such as ‘Facebook’ on a daily basis, so we have selected our target audience at 16-24. Having this target audience means the channel and scheduling is vital to gain the largest amount of viewers, to achieve the biggest possible impact from our documentary. After research, we found public of the age 16-24 usually watch television throughout the weekday nights and the most popular channel was ITV1, resulting in our documentary being shown at 9pm on ITV1 on a Monday night.

We needed to know as much information as possible about social networking not only on a wide scale but also in our own community, so we started our primary research. We began by creating a simple questionnaire to build knowledge on which networking websites were popular and what age range used which, so we asked a range of ages if they used social networking, if so how often, and after doing this we researched similar questions on the internet, here we could compare both results and calculate an overall average.

After gaining our basic knowledge on social networking, we were then able to accumulate this knowledge and explore in greater depth the pros and cons of networking and research in detail the impact it has on today’s society. To do this we interviewed parents, teens and IT technicians to see there own personal ideas and experiences towards social networking. We also developed our knowledge be using secondary research, here we looked into the presentation of social networking in the media, soaps and discovered some interesting stories on the news. By using the internet I could research into stories in which social networking has been life changing, involving websites such as ""

The documentary will open with several vox pops naming a variety of social networking sites by the public, who will be older and younger. This will show to the viewer exactly how social networking affects such a broad range of the public. Following this, the narrator will talk about how social networking has progressed over the years and how it has become such a big part of everyday life. In the middle section of our documentary it will be packed with information through interviews, narration and archive footage. This will explore in depth how social networking has affected lives individually and the viewer will also see peoples own personal opinions to networking. Towards the end we will throw in conflict by asking whether social networking is a negative concept, this will be emphasised with real stories from the media and a parents interview on their own bad experience. Although we will add this conflict, we will finish the documentary on an open ending, perhaps with a rhetorical question which will leave the viewer to conclude.

To present our observation of social networking we will include in our documentary;
• Interviews with parents/teens/teachers/general public and IT technicians
• Archive footage and images from the media and news
• Stories shown in soaps related to social networking
• Voice over from a younger adult
• Vox pops from a large selection of the public

Finally, to film out documentary there is a requirement on resources available to use. In the filming, we will be using;
• A camera
• Tripod
• Tape

Props that will be used in our documentary include;

Initial plans

We will use the topic of social networking, And will be aiming for young adults in the region of (16-25). We are going to air it on ITV1 scheduled at late night because our results showed this was the favourate terestrial channel and time of our target audience. We will call it 'social networking: good or bad?'

Thursday 30 September 2010

Louis Lepke

Type of Documentary

It was a mixed documentary as it had archive footage, interviews and a narrator.


the themes included how he joined a gang at 13, life of crime in new york, how he stayed in new york at 15 whil his mum moved to colarado, how he stayed in jailed for 3 years on and off, he killed little oggy.

Narrative Structure

At the start it talked about how he grew up, the middle was about him taking over all the labour rackets and how the police were starting to watch him, and the end was about how he was caught and executed.
It showed his old house, setting shots of old new york.

Camera Work

It showed the people being intervied with there eyeline 2 thirds up the screen and in the middle of the screen looking directly at the camera which is unusual.


Non-Diagetic narration and quiet flute music.

Archive Material

The archive material used were; radio broadcast warranting louis lepkes death, pictures of his murder victims, videos of him just standing also there were videos of his of his labour rackets, and there were videos of an electric chair which he was the first person to be executed that way.
interviews from ancestors of the people around lepke and historians.

Small graphics were used to introduce interviewees.

the real Godfathers: Al Capone

Type of Documentary

It was a mixed documentary as it had archive footage, narration and interviews.


It was about the uprising of Al Capone, how he became untouchable, how he made all his money ilegaly selling alcohol and all the people he killed.

Narrative Structure

At the start it talks about how he grew up in the middle it talked about how he made his way up the ranks in the mafia and how he got away with murder also how he pushed alcohol, and eventualy how he was killed.

Camera Work

They had close ups of the people they were interviewing to show the expressions.
non-diagetic narration was used and the natural diagetic sound of gunfire from the archive footage.


non-diagetic narration was used and the natural diagetic sound of gunfire from the archive footage.

Archive Material

The archive material was majorly used in this documentary with many pictures of murder victims and Al Capone a video clip is of a Shooting.


There were just small simple graphics used to introduce the interviewees.

Laura Croft that thing

It was a mixed documentary as it showed archive footage, had interviews and it had a narrator.

The themes included the transaction from game to film also how laura croft had sex apeal to males and females. It also talks about how it is around the time of girl power enthusiasts like the spice girls and how laura croft became a product.

At the start it talked about the game. The middle how they had to find the right person to play laura croft in the film. The end was about how people persieved her to be real. also at the end it showed how people envied her and what gamers were expecting from the film.

there was over shoulder shots used, this was the show the amount of people playing the laura croft tomb rader game.

they showed people playing the video game and the whole documentary was centred around the game. They also used a projector instead of a green screen which i feel made it look cheap.

there were sounds from the video game. e.g laura croft being out of breath and this was used to keep her erotic as she was a sex icon.

they showed the fan websites which showed the popularity of it.

They used archive material in the form of the nike advert that laura croft was in this showed her vast popularity.

there were simple graphics used to introduce the interviewees.

Marketing movies (BBC2) Educational Documentary

It was a mixed documantary as it had archive footage narration and interviews with experts.
The themes were about marketing films, persuasion and the importance of marketing to a specific audience.
At the start it was upbeat. In the middle they were talking about the importance of marketing. At the end they showed the 2 different trailers for the 2 different audiences.
there were close ups and static camera slots on the interviews. there wer location shots of london. there were lots of zooms into important people. there were lots of pans of merchandise and close ups of posters.
There were posters in the background of interviews. The cinema of the premier was shown and the premier itself.
there were non-diagetic music beds. There was also upbeat music throughout which was trying to persieve mouse hunt as a happy funny film.
Film footage of mouse hunt was used because that was the central film of the documentary and the lion king and the little mermaid were used because they made very succesful merchandise.
There were fast pace cuts used at the start to make it seem interesting. there were also relivant cut aways to the theme of the documentary at that time. But there were fades used and they were used very inefectivly almost ametuer like.
The graphics were overused and self explanitory the effective graphics were used to show who was being interviewed.

The music biz

It was a mixed documentary as there wer many things going on e.g Narration and archive footage.
the themes were about meat loaf, marketing, music and the christmas number 1 and how important it was to the artists.
It mainly talked about the music industry and how Meat loaf was trying to relaunch himself and thew sheer amount of money that was spent on him.
There were close ups of meat loaf showing he's the main person in the documentary . there were lots of zooms used to show significant things. there were also close ups used to show the stars who won grammies. and there was a pan to show how many important people there were.
All the interviews were in front of green walls so that they could show relivant pictures or videos in the background. and it showed how meat loafs make-up was done.
There was natural diagetic sound also there was non-diagetic sound e.g the narration. Also the village people and meat loafs tracks were played. there was a non-diagetic sound effect of a heart beat when they zoomed in to meat loafs poster to show that it was an important moment for meat loaf.
there was shot reverse shot used to show the power struggle between meat loaf and the director. there were also cut aways of archive footage.
Archive material that was shown was the award ceremonies like the grammies and both the village people and meat loafs music videos shown.
The graphics used were on a grey background and were used to introduce people.

The devil made me do it